PEP Grade 6 Language Arts Sample Paper

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Jamaica Primary Exit Profile (PEP) Grade 6 Language Arts Exam Sample Papers 2019. The Grade 6 Language Arts Practice Test Questions Answers are available in PDF. Download free printable PDF for better Language Arts examination preparation.

PEP Grade 6 Language Arts Sample Paper

Language Arts teaching in the National Standards Curriculum embraces the integration of learning. As students learn Language skills related to the various strands and sub-strands, they will interface with content and methodologies from a range of disciplines including Science, Social Studies, Information Technology, Drama, Food and Nutrition, Guidance and Counseling to name a few.

These disciplines, which are termed ‘cross-curricula links,’ are the avenues through which the Language content/skills are learnt and applied in authentic contexts. Progressive language teaching is task oriented, student-centered and provides opportunities for students to negotiate meaning and interact meaningfully with the language, rather than participating in activities that demand accurate repetition and memorization of sentences and grammatical patterns.

It is believed that with this underpinning philosophy, learners will become more rounded users of the language and will be better able to negotiate meaning, expand their language resources, analyse how language is used, and take part in meaningful social interactions.

Download PEP Grade 6 Language Arts Test Questions Answers

Primary Exit Profile (PEP) Grade 6 Language Arts Sample Paper 2019 in PDF. Download Practice Test Questions Answers.

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